
Einstein at the Pub

Robyn Williams meets Albert Einstein. Or vice versa. Newton stood on the shoulders of giants. 'Nuff said. The debaters, organiser, subject, and moderator. (L to R: Matt Smith [D], Kate Wilson [D], Damian Pope [O], Albert Einstein [S], Andrew White [D], Robyn Williams [M]). Joel Gilmore and Jenny Riesz interview Albert Einstein
Robyn Williams meets Albert Einstein. Or vice versa.
Newton stood on the shoulders of giants. 'Nuff said.
The debaters, organiser, subject, and moderator. (L to R: Matt Smith [D], Kate Wilson [D], Damian Pope [O], Albert Einstein [S], Andrew White [D], Robyn Williams [M]).
Joel Gilmore and Jenny Riesz interview Albert Einstein
Pondering the imponderable. Andrew and Robyn ignore naked torso statue. Thank you Damian!
Pondering the imponderable.
Andrew and Robyn ignore naked torso statue.
Thank you Damian!

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Running Order

Generated by Galerie
Monday, 11 April 2005 16:41:47