Summer/Winter Research Scholarships and Global Change Youth Research Program
Summer (Winter) Scholarships are available for 6–10 (4–5) weeks over the summer (winter) inter-semester recesses, dates negotiable. Please feel very free to discuss possible projects with any of the folk in our team! And then, apply using the standard School application forms and instructions.
Courses useful for working in the QT Lab
If you are interested in quantum information and technology, we recommend that you take a wide variety of undergraduate courses, in as many areas of science as possible. The following courses do relate specifically to our lab, but it is not necessary to have taken all of them before joining us. For more details of the undergraduate Physics program see here.
PHYS2055 Fields in Physics I (2u, sem 1)
PHYS2955 Advanced Fields in Physics I (2u, sem 1)
Introduction to field theory in physics. Topics include an overview of classical field theories, the mathematical description of field theories, and a detailed coverage of classical electromagnetism, including Maxwell's equations, and optics.
PHYS3051 Fields in Physics II (2u, sem 1
PHYS3951 Advanced Fields in Physics II (2u, sem 1)
This course will survey classical field theories in physics, emphasising the unity, power and wide applicability of this class of theories. Topics covered will include high-energy particle physics, condensed matter physics, electromagnetism, and optics. Students will gain a sound understanding of classical field theory and topics relevant to research and practical applications.
PHYS2041 Quantum Mechanics I (2u, sem 2)
PHYS2941 Advanced Quantum Mechanics I (2u, sem 2)
Quantum mechanics is a cornerstone of modern physics, describing physical phenomena on microscopic scales. This course provides an introduction to the basic theoretical concepts and formalism of quantum physics and covers laboratory experiments crucial to its development. It is the foundation for further studies of advanced quantum physics and quantum field theory, quantum statistical mechanics and solid-state physics.
PHYS3040 Quantum Mechanics II (2u, sem 1)
Theoretical basis for the understanding of physical properties of systems, generally of microscopic size, such as atoms, molecules or nuclei, but also certain macroscopic systems, such as superfluids or superconductors.
PHYS4040 Quantum Field Theory (2u, sem 2)
This course covers advanced topics from single-particle quantum mechanics, such as advanced quantum dynamics, path-integrals, and quantum decoherence. It will also cover introductory non-relativistic many-body quantum theory, relativistic quantum mechanics, and relativistic quantum field theory. We will look at selected applications from atom optics, condensed matter physics, and particle physics.
PHYS4055 Atomic Physics & Quantum Optics (2u, sem 2)
This course provides an introduction to the physics of lasers, atom-light interactions, and the quantization of the electromagnetic field. The implications for the conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics and nonclassical effects which arise will be considered.
PHYS3900 Perspectives in Physics Research (2u, sem 2)
Perspectives in Physics Research is the Capstone course to be taken by all students completing a Major in Physics or Biophysics. This course will include elements of scientific communication, ethics in research and research experience.
PHYS3830 Physics of Modern Technology (2u, sem 2)
This course integrates concepts and skills from the core physics major courses and demonstrates their application to contemporary technology and industry. Students will master advanced experimental skills that are difficult to develop in the limited laboratory components of other physics courses, with a particular emphasis on common skills required in industry. It is strongly recommended for students wishing to pursue research opportunities for experimental physics in science or in industry.
PHYS4045 Quantum Technologies (2u, sem 2)
This course will cover the principles of quantum technologies, how to apply them to understand the results of experiments, and how to use them to design robust quantum devices. It will cover the topics of high precision sensing, quantum information, quantum communication and computation, noise and error suppression, and quantum error correction.