UQ is ~2.5 km from the city centre, as the crow flys.

Location of the QT Lab. Building 7, Parnell & Building 6, Physics Annexe.

Physics buildings at bottom right, outlined in red. Brisbane city is in the background.

Physics buildings centre, outlined in red. Mt Cootha and the Brisbane State Forest are in the background.

GoogleEarth: The QT Lab is at the centre of the University of Queensland main campus, in Brisbane / Meanjin, Australia (an alternative view of Australia preferred by some of our Kiwi friends).

Office & Lab Maps

Our offices

Rooms 3.03A, 3.08, 3.08A, 3.10, 3.13, 3.16, and 3.18, in Parnell, Building 7.

Our labs

Rooms 1.11, 1.13, and 1.22 in Parnell, Building 7 and Room 1.03 in the Physics Annexe, Building 6.

A lot of maps from the northern hemisphere are weird: they are not centred on the majority of the world's population, they make polar areas look much bigger than equatorial ones, and they have north at top—despite the earliest maps having south at top, e.g. see Muhammad al-Idrisi's Tabula Rogeriana from 1154. This map from ODT fixes all these problems: